
Article | 4 min |
Practicing Mindfulness With Money Can Help Boost Your Financial Wellness Many people practice mindfulness through yoga, tai chi or other forms of movement, often incorporating breathing exercises. Others rely on their smart watch or phone to ping them at the same time each day, urging them to practice it for a few minutes. While there are many definitions of mindfulness, this one from seems to capture it well: Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us...
Article | 3 min |
Four tips for building an investment strategy Whether you’re fairly new to investing or a seasoned veteran, it’s always a good idea to make sure you’re leveraging solid investing fundamentals as part of your approach to investing. Here are some key ways you can help ensure you’re building a solid investment strategy. Determine your risk tolerance When it comes to investing, everyone is unique. Some people may prefer a more aggressive approach, especially if they are younger and have a lot of saving years ahead of them. Others may prefer a more conservative approach, especially if they are...
Why Young People Need to Pay Themselves First Webinar View Full Webinar Presentation By investing for retirement through your employer-sponsored plan, you are taking steps to achieve your financial freedom. Choosing to participate is just one step in managing your financial savings strategy. As a young person, paying yourself first is just one pillar of personal finance and encourages sound financial habits. All it takes is a little dedication and a lot of discipline. Building savings is a powerful motivator and there are plenty of mental benefits to seeing your savings balance grow...
Article | 5 min |
According to the 2021 Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, an average retired couple age 65 may need approximately $300,000 saved (after tax) to cover health care expenses in retirement. There are a number of factors behind this escalating cost challenge. In general, people are living longer, and health care inflation continues to outpace the rate of general inflation. In addition, according to Gallup’s 2021 Economy and Personal Finance Survey, the average retirement age is 62, which is 3 years before the Medicare eligibility age of 65. Of course, the amount you’ll personally need will...
It even makes understanding inflation easier. “Bacon’s the best. Even the frying of bacon sounds like applause. Bacon bits are like the fairy dust of the food community.” – Jim Gaffigan Let’s face it: talking about bacon is always fun. It can even help illustrate a topic that has been in the financial media a lot lately — inflation. In 1991, the price of a pound of bacon cost $2.22 (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Thirty years later, in August of 2021, a pound cost $7.10. That’s inflation at work. Inflation is simply the rise in the cost of living, and it eats away at your money...