
Article | 5 min |
A recent survey confirms that there is no single path to retirement. Franklin Templeton’s June 2021 “Voice of the American Worker” survey confirms that retirement today feels “less cookie cutter than it used to be,” according to 82% of those polled. The survey found that individuals can benefit from personalized guidance to achieve their financial goals — an area where a financial advisor can help. The survey also showed that many participants are looking to their employers for more tools and resources. But most of all, the survey found that the way participants think about retirement is...
Article | 5 min |
A recent survey of retirement plan participants shines a light on their positive perspectives — which can help inform plan changes you may be considering. Released in October of 2021, American Century’s 9th Annual Survey of Retirement Plan Participants found that more workers are optimistic about their futures in 2021 than they were in 2020. Not surprisingly, following more than a year of dealing with the pandemic, participants are now more positive about saving, risk and expectations. Because it’s the start of a new year, now may be an opportune time to discuss the findings with your plan...