
Article | 5 min |
Your gut is not just where you digest your food. It’s also where you have trillions of tiny organisms that help you stay healthy, happy and smart. Here are some things you should know about your gut and how to make it stronger. What Is Gut Health? Gut health is all about the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. These microorganisms, also called the gut microbiome, help you break down food, get nutrients, fight inflammation and boost immunity. Gut health also affects your mental health, mood and brain function. In fact, your gut microbiome can produce vitamins, hormones...
Article | 5 min |
For many people, retirement is not a time to slow down and stop. It’s a time to explore the next great chapters of your life and build upon everything you’ve learned and experienced so far. Another thing that doesn’t slow down or stop is taxes. Understanding how taxes could affect your future cash flow will help you create an effective retirement income strategy. Know How Your Retirement Savings Accounts Are Taxed Withdrawals from traditional 401(k) plan accounts and certain other employer-sponsored plans, as well as traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs), will generally be subject...
Article | 3 min |
Credit card debt is a huge challenge for many people. According to, Americans owe $986 billion on credit cards, surpassing the prepandemic high of $927 billion. While credit card debt is considered “bad debt,” it’s important to understand other types of debt and the important role it can play in your financial plan. Good Debt: A Building Block for Growing Your Wealth Good debt refers to borrowing money for investments that have the potential to grow in value or provide future benefits. It focuses on investments that enhance your financial position in the long run. For example: Taking...
Article | 5 min |
Experts across the United States are increasingly worried that people’s savings and investments won’t be enough to last through retirement. Financial wellness holds the keys to a long and prosperous retirement, but you must know how to achieve it. But what is financial wellness? How easily can you attain it, and how might best practices differ depending on your age? Understanding the Potential Retirement Crisis Americans are facing a multi-faceted retirement and savings crisis that has many experts worried. Those on the verge of retirement may not have enough between their savings and Social...
Article | 5 min |
Start your day off with water (and keep the drinks coming) When was the last time you reached for a glass of water first thing in the morning — instead of getting your caffeine fix? You probably already know that staying properly hydrated throughout the day is a basic rule of a healthy lifestyle. It balances chemical processes in the brain, keeps your organs functioning properly and aids in recovery after a tough workout. In addition, there may be something extra beneficial to drinking a glass of water right after you wake up. Top of the Morning Your body cannot produce enough water through...